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Product #BWSS Bonded Washer and Servo Mounting Screw Set Combo. Very popular with RC Pilots!
Bonded Washer and Servo Mounting Screw Set
  Quantity in Basket: None
Code: BWSS
Price: $50.00

Rubber Backed Bonded Washer Assortment, Plus Servo Mounting Screw Kit with Nylon Washers:



This product includes: 24 each of #4, #6, #8/10, and 1/4" Bonded Washers, Plus, 500 piece Servo Mounting Screw Kit 

Total pieces = 596 (96 Bonded Washers plus 500 piece Servo Mounting Screw Kit.)

A note about our Bonded Washers: We sell only high quality Rubber Backed Steel Washers. They are manufactured to very exacting specifications so the fit is perfect and the rubber backing never slips. Also, the rubber stands up to fuel residue and cleaning agents. Lesser quality washers are just not an option when so much is riding on a perfect fit and function!

Tired of screws vibrating out? Tired of plastic and fiberglass cowls and canopies cracking? This product will really help! One heck of a terrific item for R/C pilots. 

Great for cowls, canopies, engine mounts, etc. Use them virtually anywhere you would use a regular washer. (Great vibration dampener for engine mounting!) They are steel on one side and neoprene rubber on the other. Excellent for protecting plastic or fiberglass. Also, helps keep the screw from vibrating out.

Our #4 Bonded washers ( this one is stainless steel) are unique, in that they will work with mostly all #2 screws! This item is particularly hard to find in your local hobby shop or even online.

The Bonded Washers can also be used with the popular size Metric hardware ( M2, M2.5, M3, M4 and M5 screws and bolts.) 

The Servo Mounting Screw kit: 
Great kit to have at the field and in the workshop. You will reach for it many times whenever you need a small pointy screw with a washer attached. Many more uses than just Servo Mounting! 

Socket Head/Washer Head Screws: 100pcs each of  2x5/16,  2x7/16, 2x9/16
and 50 pieces each of: 3x7/16, 3x5/8). Plus 100 Nylon Washers to match.
All the screws take a standard 5/64" Hex (allen wrench) or balldriver.

We have also included 50 pieces each of our #2 and #4 Nylon Washers. (The #4 washers work well with the #3 screws) These washers are very good for cushioning the pressure on plastic and fiberglass cowls, canopies, etc. Also spreads the load over a slightly larger surface and helps reduce damage to these parts. Outside diameter of these washers is 1/4"