"ProHold" Technology! Simply the best and most advanced Balldrivers available anywhere!
Notice regarding "ProHold" Ball Drivers:
Please be aware that the tip of the Ball Driver has what appears to be a piece of flashing or "material" of some sort protruding from it. (see below picture). This is supposed to be there. Please do not try to remove it. This is the new technology that keeps the screw on the Ball Driver. It may require slightly more pressure to get the Ball Driver into the screw socket. Once you start using these tools, you will be hard-pressed to go back to the "old style" Ball Driver, as these tools are a pleasure to work with.
"L" type Ball Driver
(Screwdriver Handle Type Balldriver with new Comfort-Grip)
Lifetime Warranty! It's really a pleasure to work with these balldrivers! Introducing the very latest in Balldriver technology, "THE PROHOLD(tm) BUTTON". They lock in place for a true non-slip application. And, you can put the screw on the Balldriver first, and then place it where it goes! This is a major improvement over the "old style". Available in Standard L Wrench Design, and Screwdriver Handle Type as shown above.
Most "off the shelf" balldriver sets come with sizes you will never use...so, as an added benefit,we have customized our balldriver sets with the hobbyist/modeler in mind. You pay for just the sizes that you will really use! (All tools are available in sets and singles, and are backed by RTL and The Bondhus Lifetime Warranty)
After entering the number of packages that you want for each item, simply click the "Add To Basket" button.